Cherry Blossoms

Cherry Blossoms
Cherry Blossoms

Thursday, December 20, 2012

I have a passion for Trees & Art

I don't think I've blogged this - but need to!

I'm now a Citizen Planter for Casey Trees of Washington, DC!  I've planted trees at the Smithsonian National Zoo, Rock Creek Park Cemetery, and Wangari Gardens - all in Washington, DC.

I look forward to planting trees in the Spring!

The other thing I absolutely love is inspiring children to love art. Thanks to the Greater Reston Arts Center, I teach art to children at my sons' school. I show them an artist, talk about their life, tell them what made this artist unique, then introduce new kinds of art supplies and techniques to the children to work with. Some children are hung up on "I've got to do it just right and make it beautiful." Those students, I find, sometimes have trouble just beginning.

This is key: I tell the students, "I don't care what it looks like. I just want you to try. Make it look ugly. But do SOMETHING. I want you to try a new art technique." And then those kids, once they have permission to make something ugly, actually end up making something that I think is extraordinary. And this is what inspiring children to love art is all about.

Here are some links of the things I mention above:

Casey Trees of Washington, DC
Smithsonian National Zoo
Rock Creek Park Cemetary (wikipedia)
Rock Creek Cemetary
Wangari Gardens  |  Wangari Gardens in the Press
Greater Reston Arts Center (GRACE Art)

Honoring Sandy Hook Elementary's Beautiful 26 - 26 Acts of Kindness

I came across this today - A beautiful way for each of us to honor those 26 beautiful people from Sandy Hook Elementary. I will be doing my part honoring 26. Share what you've done at:

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Elections Elections Elections!

I am completely grateful to all the women suffragettes who did all the (dangerous!) things they did in order to give me the right to vote. I stand there, every time I go to the polls, just moments before I press that "VOTE" button, and I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude that I have this right; that I live in America, and that women suffragettes knew it deep in their heart that they had to work hard and fight to give the following generations of women the right to vote. It's incredible.  I am so grateful for this right and freedom.

Having said all of that, someone on Facebook, and many on Twitter have said they were astounded that in this day & age, that so many people were still in line 2 1/2 hours later in Virginia after the polls had closed. I wrote this response on Facebook on a friend's wall, and this really is the gist of what I'm thinking today (and late last night as we watched the election returns roll in). So I wanted to share:

In regards to the long lines in VA, I have voted in every election since Ross Perot, I mean Bill Clinton. I have never never had to wait in line behind more than 11 people. I've watched the polling stations upgrade their equipment slowly over the years, but its always been the same amount at each station. The last 3 elections I've voted at have all had the same 4 electronic stations, and about 8-10 paper stations where they feed your ballot into a machine that reads it. 

I think that this election we just witnessed (and this is Jodi-observation / Jodi-reasoning here; I have not yet worked to find data to corroborate what I'm about to say) -- shows that so many more people went to the polls this year than ever before. And that is very remarkable. I think we must have at least tripled all the people (in numbers) who have voted previously. 

If you go to Starbucks in the morning, and watch the line, you will see there are lulls when the employees can wipe counters and empty the trash. When people continue to come in the door and come in the door and come in the door .... The line gets incredibly long and the employees simply cannot keep up. I think the voting stations simply could not keep up with the influx of people -- the demand to vote. And this is a good thing - for now. Next time, we need more volunteers to check people in, and more voting stations for people to click on "VOTE."

I think it what happened yesterday. I also think the checking of the ID twice slows it down; not necessarily the voting stations. If we had more people checking IDs, perhaps the line would move a bit more. 
I stood in line yesterday for 45 minutes. My husband went just before I did (I went when he came back) and he stood there for 1 1/2 hours. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Maple Leaf Wreath

Today, I had my kids + a visiting child all go outside and collect leaves from this tree:

This tree used to look like this:

[picture to be uploaded]

The leaves have fallen off a bit in the last few days. So the boys all collected the most gorgeous leaves they could find.

I melted candles in a pot on the stove:

[picture to be uploaded]

[picture to be uploaded]

And dipped all the leaves into the melted wax.  And laid them out to cool.

Then, I roughly sorted by color, and put them on a wooden wreath that I had from last Christmas. This is a flat wooden wreath form. And last Christmas, my boys cut short sprigs from my boxwood bush out front, and we made into quite a nice wreath for the Christmas season.

After Christmas was over, I pulled out all the boxwood, and stored the wreath with the string still wrapped around it. Today, I put the leaves on:

Roughly in color order. And then I hung it on the door. Some of the leaves fell off due to their slippery nature of being waxed. So I had to take it off the door, re-position some of the leaves back to where they should be. Then I flipped it over and duct-taped the back.

[picture to be uploaded]

And then, I hung it on the door again. For all to see!

[picture to be uploaded]

A fun project. It looks really beautiful!  It's about a week until Halloween; so I'm hoping it will last until after Thanksgiving. At which point, I will take off all the leaves and re-do this same wreath form once again with the boxwood from my front bush.

I love no-cost solutions and sustainable ways to decorate. Don't you?

(That tree will have wonderful foliage again next year ... and the boxwood is such a strong bush & loves where it is - it will keep producing too.)

Friday, October 12, 2012

"Let Love Rule In Me"

Another video I made with Alex Cook's inspirational music. I love his music so much!

This was a collaboration - So many folks sent in their artwork and photographs. And I compiled them all and set them to music from Alex Cook.

Alex's website is: 
You can find him on Twitter:  @AlexCookMusic

I'm on Twitter too!   @JodiBeatty

"It's You That I Love"

This is a video I made for Alex Cook.

You can follow Alex on Twitter:  @AlexCookMusic

You can follow me too!  @JodiBeatty

Blessings to all of you!


All of my videos have been accidentally deleted. I have to re-create them.

I am trying not to be too frustrated by this. Trying to "BE STILL" and be calm too.

I'll get to these when I get to them.

Monday, May 21, 2012

A dove at the door

A 2-minute podcast video from The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Whatever inspires with wisdom - be it song, sermon or Science...

My favorite inspirational musician is coming back in town! I hope you will come to the concert!!  May 20.

Mary Baker Eddy says on page 234 in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
"Whatever inspires with wisdom, Truth, or Love--be it song, sermon, or Science--blesses the human family with crumbs of comfort from Christ's table, feeding the hungry and giving living waters to the thirsty."

Friday, April 20, 2012

Two Roses - A Poem

by Louise Wheatley Cook Hovnanian

A rosebud fair in a garden grew,
Tiny and pale and shy.
The sun shone out of a sky of blue,
And the soft winds floated by~
But it wrapped itself in its petals cold, And seemed to say, "I will not unfold."

A woman came in the sunset light-
"O shy little rose," she cried,
"Why don't you open your eyes, and smile?
Is it laziness, temper, or pride?
The spring is here, and the world is glad, Why do you look so pale and sad?"

A day went by, and the rose still hid Its face in its veil of green--
"You poor little thing!" she said to herself,
"It is very plain to be seen
That you never can grow to be big and strong,
Unless I help the work along."

With trembling hands and in eager haste She opened one by one
The fragile leaves. "It is all very well
To wait for the wind and sun,
But gentle methods are often slow
My way is a better one, I know. :
"Don't think me meddlesome--it's because I love you so, you see.
~ .
I cannot trust in the wind and sun-
It all depends on me!"
And she forced each delicate leaf apart Till she reached its glowing, golden heart.

As the stars came out she stole away Through the garden's fragrant gloom.
"It won't be long," she gaily cried, "Till my rose will be in bloom.
And then how happy it will be
To think it had a friend like me!"

But when she chanced that way again, : Instead of her rose she found
poor, stiff thing whose withered leaves Were strewing the muddy ground•
A storm had beaten, the wind had blown, And the calyx stood on its stem alone.

She bowed her head. "Will I never learn,"
She whispered, "Dear patient One! I pray for wisdom, another time,
To wait for the wind and sun-
To trust that the power which made the rose
Will see that it lives and thrives and growsl"

Another rose in the garden grew,
Tiny and pale and cold.
"It is love," she said, "and not self-will, That will help my rose unfold.
Have I not courage, God above,
To do what is best for the thing I love?"

Humbly she knelt, and with gentle hands Loosened the earth at its feet;
She carried water to quench its thirst; She whispered, "O rosebud sweet,
We know not when God's time may be~ But I can do my part, you see."
Silently, sweetly, hour by hour,
In God's own way it grew--
How it warmed at the touch of the summer sun
How it laughed when the soft winds blewl

"Help me," she whispered, "Love divine, To know it was Thine before it was mine!"

Then the moment came when she saw the last
Of the shy pink leaves unfold,
And the air was filled with a perfume rare
Straight from its heart of gold.
And it seemed to say, "O tried and true, I am glad I had a friend like youl" ~.
BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Monday, April 9, 2012

Google, Vint Cerf and #OurWeb

To friends I haven't met yet,

I just received an email from the father of The Internet - Vint Cerf.  My former boss (when we both worked at MCI). I have lost touch with him in the last 10 years, sadly, and it was such a pleasure to see his email grace my inbox.

I am so grateful to see all the folks on Twitter talking about #OurWeb

I love love The Internet!!

I love to think about Paul the apostle in The Bible - using the roads the Romans built.  You see, the roads were the internet in their day.

The Romans built the roads from West to East; so their soldiers could get to where they wanted to conquer more easily.  Paul the apostle walked those roads from East to West - and founded churches. Such a remarkable and inspiring story!!  Those roads connected people and cultures.

Then ... centuries later ... another internet began - the US Postal Service.  You see, the American Revolutionary War was about to start. And the British came to the shores of NY ... and met some resistance.  The British Red Coats (the formidable army of their day), went back in their ships to go get reinforcements. What happened? Well, word spread through the brand new postal service - one person on a horse, landing in town, sharing the word, then more people on horses - like spokes going out to tell the next towns around ... then more people on horses & those spokes to tell the next towns...

When the British Red Coats came back, they were greeted with hoards of people. They did not expect that! This had connected our country.  The internet of its day.

And now we have The Internet! The one and only! Made of the dreams in Star Trek! (Did you know that Vint Cerf was a technical advisor for Star Trek? His office has Tribbles in it - no joke. Oh, and Dilbert cartoons.) (Another side note - I once did a bitty yoyo show for his birthday at the office. You know, the toy that goes up & down on a string.)

What I love about The Internet is that it's once again connecting people far and wide - in a whole new way! Introducing us to friends we haven't met yet, keeping us in touch with relatives we cannot see as often as we'd like to. Even Skype helps us with that! (No Internet means no Skype.)

I'm pondering having a concert at my home with Alex Cook - he's staying with me for a few nights -- having the concert over Skype tonight!

I love that I can share my daily adventures and inspirations and even the moments when I need some helpful tips and inspiration from the people I love and trust - thanks to the Internet and ways that I use it.

May The Internet Live Long and Prosper.

Please drop me a note in the comments so I know you've come & visited. I love to e-meet you.  "Well met by monitor light."

Blessings to you all & thank you for visiting my Cherry Blossom corner of the world,

-Jodi Crump Beatty, CS
Christian Science Practitioner / Christian Healer

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Took a ton of pix of Cherry Blossoms (tis the season!) ... and will be posting a bit at a time as I have the moments.....
Cherry Blossom Court! I hope to figure out how to make this the banner of my site at some point....

My recent favorite photo of blossoms about to open and bloom...

The same sign; a photo my husband took.  

A new perspective

My husband and I went for a walk - and took some photos. I've been taking photos of cherry blossoms for a few years now - a few weeks at a time. My husband has only just started taking photos such photos - because this year he caught me doing it several times -- plus, he just got a new camera so he's trying it out.  I like his photos - and when we came back from our walk today, I noticed that his different perspective really gives a fresh approach to cherry blossoms.

Sometimes, in life, we need a fresh perspective. If we feel we've been caught looking at something for too long (even an artist staring at the canvas they've been trying to paint ...)  step away, consult a friend, get a cup of tea, read some of The Bible .... get a fresh perspective. Come back, look at it again, and realize what's good about it. Approach it from this new viewpoint.

I hope you enjoy the fresh perspective on the cherry blossoms in today's photos.  As he and I walked, I found a fern unfolding, so I took a photo of that too. (Surprise!)

As Mary Baker Eddy says: 
"Life and goodness are immortal. Let us then shape our views of existence into loveliness, freshness, and continuity,
than into age and blight."

[Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 246]

Taking photos with my husband.  (The first 3 in this post are his, the last 2 are mine.)

New camera

Oh no! My husband just bought a new camera - as if I didn't photograph cherry blossoms enough already. And now I've got him "addicted" to photographing them too!!

I know this blog is really here to provide inspiration, and I have to just let you know that these few weeks of the year, I try to capture as many gorgeous photos of cherry blossoms in all sorts of sunlight. To tide me over until next year.  :)

So I'm a little focussed (pun!) on cherry blossoms right now.... back to inspiration & some inspiring videos in a few weeks.

PS: I'm just starting a new video project with a new person - we're working on gaining inspiration for music to accompany our next inspirational video.  Something to look forward to!  In the mean time - enjoy the pix of the cherry blossoms.  Soul.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Polly Castor's Apricot Blossoms

I love these apricot blossom photos that Polly Castor shared on her blog today; so I am sharing her blog post with you all!

This is, I think, the first time I've ever referenced another blogger on my own site. Polly is pretty special and I think you might like to sign up for her newsletter.

PS: She's referenced me once or twice on her blog too!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

New posts coming

'Tis the season for photographing cherry blossoms! I've been out and about with my bike and my camera. Photos are coming! Will post this week. An abundance of cherry blossom blessings. Please come back and visit soon. :) BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop


Saw someone today who pulled over her car in order to photograph a white cherry blossom tree. Despite the rain. My kind of woman. :)
BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Friday, March 23, 2012

Let Love Rule in Me

Hi, everyone! Thank you for visiting my blog!

I worked recently on a new kind of Alex Cook video -

Several of us advertised to a lot of our acquaintances to get artwork and photographs on the theme, "Let Love Rule in Me" to accompany Alex Cook's song of the same name.

I hope you enjoy the video !

If you like the video, will you please click the "Thumbs Up" on the YouTube website, and also share it with other folks? Thank you so much!!


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Gratitude is riches

"Our gratitude is riches, Complaint is poverty, Our trials bloom in blessings, They test our constancy. O, life from joy is minted, An everlasting gold, True gladness is the treasure That grateful hearts will hold." 
 -Arthur H. Mann Christian Science Hymnal Hymn # 249

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


"Every day makes its demands upon us for higher proofs rather than professions of Christian power. These proofs consist solely in the destruction of sin, sickness, and death by the power of Spirit, as Jesus destroyed them. This is an element of progress, and progress is the law of God, whose law demands of us only what we can certainly fulfil."
- Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy p. 233: 1

The People (To The Hilt)

I made this video for Alex Cook of and I hope you enjoy it. It's from his new CD that came out on Dec 6. Please watch this & share with friends! The video shows images, photos and artwork from Alex's own camera.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Get Out of the Boat and Walk on the Water

I made this video for my buddy, Alex Cook of

It's my favorite song of his - has been for years.
"Walk on the Water."

The song has finally been put onto a CD - the CD came out in December in time for Christmas shopping! I bought copies for my whole family and a few close friends who I thought would appreciate it. Got Alex to autograph them too! (Thank you, Alex!)

You can follow Alex on Twitter - he's @alexcookmusic

Alex kindly provided me with photographs, drawings, and mural paintings of his (he's a talented bloke!) and I compiled his images in a way that I felt was good to complement the music. I hope you love it too!

Without further adieu - here's the music video:

Monday, January 2, 2012

My Grateful Kitten

This morning, after a night of sleep, I heard some "scritching" coming from my husband's bottom dresser drawer. I opened the drawer, and out popped our kitten, Lyra.

We adopted her from a shelter, and I put that montage together - since she's black, she's very difficult to photograph!  

Well, Lyra loves to get into small spaces!

Bandit and Lyra are buddies.  
Last night, every time I got out of bed, to investigate, Bandit would walk around my legs. And finally he plunked somewhere else, and I went back to bed, and the scritching stopped. So we slept.

This morning, I heard the scritching, and Bandit wasn't around. I opened the drawers in his dresser, and out popped Lyra!

She then proceeded to teach me one of the most important spiritual lessons I can think of in life: gratitude. She wasn't angry or mad or upset in any way. She was too busy being grateful! She ran downstairs (probably to use the litter box) then ran back upstairs to thank me. She climbed in and out of my lap and purred and purred and purred. Now, Lyra is a very active kitten. One of my sons is able to hold her and pet her. For the rest of us, she jumps down right away - "She's busy!" I say with love. Well, this morning, she just purred and wanted lots of petting from me! She was so grateful. She didn't blame me or anyone for her predicament. She was just grateful to be set free. And showed her gratitude for a good 20-30 minutes. And then we went downstairs to have breakfast.

This is my other son - a photo of him trying to hold Lyra - it's blurry because she's busy and has things to do - she has to jump down right away.

Animals are so filled with love and joy, aren't they? Gratitude brings many blessings.

"Our gratitude is riches, Complaint is poverty,
Our trials bloom in blessings, They test our constancy.
O, life from joy is minted, An everlasting gold,
True gladness is the treasure That grateful hearts will hold."
- Vivian Burnett
Christian Science Hymnal, Hymn 250

Bonus: just for fun:  The Gratitude Game

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Mind of The Holy One ~ with Alex Cook

I just made this video for my buddy, Alex Cook, of Boston, Mass., USA.  His new CD, "Defend the People" was released in December. This is one of the songs from the CD, visually accompanied with his artwork and photos. I compiled them and Alex graciously said I can post the videos on my blog. I will post the next one next week, and by that time I will have the 3rd one made & post that one too! Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy this one.

At this point, Alex is arranging to have an East Coast tour in the Spring of 2012. If you would like Alex to come to your church or venue, you can definitely contact him! You can find him at: